Sejarah Al-qur'an

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The Power of Ikhlas

Posted by Romi Adetio S 24 January 2011 0 comments

“Padahal, mereka tidaklah disuruh melainkan supaya beribadah kepada Allah dengan mengikhlaskan agama untuk-Nya dalam menjalankan ajaran yang lurus, mendirikan sholat dan menunaikan zakat. Demikian itulah agama yang lurus.”. Q.S. al-Bayyinah/98: 5.
“Berdoalah kepada Allah dengan mengikhlaskan agama/amal untuk-Nya, meskipun orang-orang kafir tidak menyukai.”. Q.S. Ghafir: 14.

Ikhlas mudah diucapkan tapi tidak gampang untuk dilakukan. Betapa banyak orang bederma tapi sia-sia, mengajar, menulis, berkarya dan berjuang tapi tak bermakna, karena ikhlas tidak ada dalam hati mereka. Dalam sebuah riwayat dari Abu Hurairah dijelaskan bahwa beliau pernah mendengar Rasulullah Saw. bersabda: “Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang pertama kali diadili pada hari kiamat adalah:
1. Seorang lelaki yang telah berjuang demi mencari mati syahid. Dia dihadirkan dan ditunjukkan kepadanya nikmat-nikmat yang sekiranya akan diperolehnya, sehingga dia pun bisa mengenalinya. Allah bertanya kepadanya, “Apa yang telah kamu lakukan untuk mendapatkan itu semua?”. Dia menjawab, “Aku berperang di jalan-Mu sampai aku menemui mati syahid.” Allah menimpali jawabannya, “Kamu dusta. Sebenarnya kamu berperang agar disebut-sebut sebagai pemberani, dan sebutan itu telah kamu peroleh di dunia.

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How to recite The Quran properly?

Posted by Romi Adetio S 13 January 2011 0 comments

The word "tajweed" means to improve, make better.

Tajweed of the Holy Qur'an is the knowledge and application of the rules of recitation so the reading of the Qur'an is as the Prophet Mohammed peace and blesings be upon him, recited.

The Holy Qur'an is a special book that reveals the words of Allah. It was sent down by Allah to Prophet Mohammad(SAW), his last messenger, through angel Gabriel on the night of Laylatul-Qader. It deals with everything that concerns Mankind. But mostly emphasizes the relations between Allah and his creatures. Muslims believe that the Quran provides teachings, guidances and good direction for mankind. The Holy Qur'an always has answers to your questions. Note that the Qur'an was only sent down in Arabic, which means that any translation is neither a Quran.
  1.  Purify yourself. Get the purity of body, clothes, and place. Make sure that these are free from filth. For purity of body, you have to take a ghusl, (shower), Wudu (ablution) or Tayammum.
  2. Recite the following:
    A'udhubillahi Minash Shaytaanir Rajeem,
    I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the cursed.

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Posted by Romi Adetio S 1 comments

”Dijadikan indah pada (pandangan) manusia kecintaan kepada apa-apa yang diingini, Yaitu: perempuan-perempuan, anak-anak, harta yang banyak dari jenis emas, perak, kuda pilihan, binatang-binatang ternak dan sawah ladang. Itulah perhiasan hidup di dunia, dan di sisi Allah-lah tempat kembali yang baik (surga)”. Q.S. Ali Imrân/3: 14.

Allah memberikan fitrah suci kepada semua manusia berupa syahawât (keinginan-keinginan). Semua orang yang normal pasti memiliki keinginan-keinginan. Keinginan-keinginan itu dibenarkan oleh Allah, asal tidak melebihi batas.

Dalam kajian asbâb nuzûl âyât al-Qur'ân (sebab turun ayat-ayat al-Quran) terdapat beberapa riwayat sebab turunnya ayat di atas. Pertama, bahwa kaum Nasrani Najran enggan mengakui risalah Nabi Muhammad Saw., karena mereka telah mendapatkan segala perhiasan, kemewahan dan kenikmatan duniawi yang diberikan oleh Raja Romawi yang berkuasa di Timur, yaitu Raja Heraklius.

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Quran: The Book of God

Posted by Romi Adetio S 26 October 2010 0 comments

When the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) claimed that the Qur’an was a divine book revealed to him by God for the guidance of man, there were many who did not believe him. The scriptures to them were a human rather than a divine composition. The Qur’an then gave a challenge to these skeptics, asking them to produce “a scripture similar to it,” if what they said were true. (52:34)

It declared, moreover, in no uncertain terms that, even if all the human beings and the jinns made collective and concerted efforts to produce a book like the Qur’an, they would all fail miserably in their attempt. (17:88).

The Qur’an, being an eternal book, poses a perennial challenge, addressed to every human being under the sun until Doomsday.

Now the question arises as to the characteristics this sacred book possesses which render it inimitable. Several aspects of its uniqueness are mentioned in the Qur’an, one of which is its consistency:

Do they not ponder over the Qur’an? If it had not come from God,
they would have found in it many contradictions (ikhtilaf).

(Professor Arberry has translated the Arabic word ikhtilaf as ‘inconsistency’. Other renderings of the word include contradiction, disparity and difference.)

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